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There, throwing aside a curtain of rich azure silk which partially draped two large folding-doors, he ushered him into a magnificent apartment opening out upon the terrace and garden beyond, a garden filled with such a marvellous profusion of foliage and flowers, that looking at it from between the glistening marble columns surrounding the palace, it seemed as though the very sky above rested edge-wise on towering pyramids of red and white bloom.

Armed with a surf-board a flat piece of wood, about four feet long by two feet wide, pointed at each end which they put edge-wise in front of them, they swim out into the broad and beautiful bay, and dive under the surf-crested billows of the Pacific.

Even if one or two of his fellows are at work farther down the leaf, he has power enough in his slight grip to suspend all until they have finished and clambered up over him with their loads. Holding his bit of leaf edge-wise, he bends his head down as far as possible, and secures a strong purchase along the very rim.

Very fertile are the desert plants in expedients to prevent evaporation, turning their foliage edge-wise toward the sun, growing silky hairs, exuding viscid gum. The wind, which has a long sweep, harries and helps them.

I cannot describe it as an architect or antiquarian, and these classes know all about it better than I do, but I want to convey as far as I can the impression it made upon me to others as delightfully ignorant on the subject. The roof is made in the same way as all arched roofs of old castles which I have yet seen, of thin stones laid edge-wise to form the arch and cemented together.

At length, as if driven to explanation by his continued remonstrances, she suddenly seized him by the arm, to arrest his attention cast her eye hastily around, as if to see whether she was watched by any one then drew the other hand, edge-wise, across her slender throat pointed to the boat, and to the Castle, and nodded.