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Like a monster gasping for breath, the imprisoned air sighed out. Taking advantage of the moment when Rodan's and Dutch's hands moved in life-saving instinct to reseal their collars, Frank Nelsen leaped, and then kicked twice, as hard as he could, in rapid succession. At Dutch's stomach, first. Then Rodan's. They were down safe from death, since they had managed to re-latch their collars.

Looking back to his first action against Rodan with a sharpened trowel that had pierced the wall of a stellene dome eventually leading up to Dutch's death, and very nearly precipitating his own demise and that of his other companions, he wondered if it wouldn't be regarded as criminal. Now he wasn't absolutely sure, himself, that it hadn't been criminal or Moonmad.

The three Monroe girls and their mother went into the parlour, Malcolm going across the hall to a dreary library, where he had an old-fashioned cabinet desk, and Lenny gaining a reluctant consent to his request to go down to "Dutch's" house, where he and Dutch would play lotto. "Why doesn't Dutch Harrison ever come here to play lotto?" Martie asked maliciously.

You know Russell Harrison, 'Dutch's' cousin, that used to play with Len, really WAS sent there!" "For Heaven's sake, what for?" "Well, Hugh Wilson had some trouble with Paul King, and it was about money and Russell Harrison went to Hughie and told him " So the conversation was diverted over and over again; and the inessential things were said, and the important ones forgotten.