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"Hello, girls!" he said. "What strikes you to-day?" "Me for a raspberry nut sundae," announced Eda, and Janet, being unable to imagine any more delectable confection, assented. The penetrating odour peculiar to drugstores, dominated by menthol and some unnamable but ancient remedy for catarrh, was powerless to interfere with their enjoyment. The circus began at two.

We pay the money, and it all goes in salaries, and there are no schools, nor district nurses, nor midwives, nor drugstores nothing." "Well, I did try, you know," Levin said slowly and unwillingly. "I can't! and so there's no help for it." "But why can't you? I must own I can't make it out. Indifference, incapacity I won't admit; surely it's not simply laziness?" "None of those things.

His way took him first along Main Street and thence down one of the narrower side streets or lanes which branched off on each side. Oakvale was scarcely more than a large village, but it boasted many shops, two drugstores, a public school, a post office, and four saloons. As Tom passed one of these haunts he saw a group of men standing on the corner.

In a phrase, the post card which pictures "E 9436 Grave of John Charteris" is among the seven similar misinterpretations of localities most frequently demanded in Lichfieldian drugstores and news-stands. Her victoria had paused a trifle farther up the hill, where two big sycamores overhung the roadway.

In the Witch-hazel has been found a soothing balm for many an ache and pain. The Witch-hazel you buy in the drugstores, is made out of the bark of this tree. If you chew one of the little branches you will know it by the taste. Near the top is a flower that is finished, its snakes have fled; and at the top of all is a bud for next year. That is, they are is, has-been and going-to-be.