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"Said she done dress-makin'," said Lander, doggedly. "You ha'n't been the'a?" He nodded. "You didn't say anything to her about her daughta?" "Yes, I did," said Lander. "Well, you ce'tainly do equal anything," said his wife. She lay still awhile, and then she roused herself with indignant energy.

"Don't he have to reckon nothin' on the give or not-give of the things he's dealin' with?" demanded Martha. "I'm only a ignorant woman, an' I ask for information. When you're dress-makin' you have to allow for the seams, an' when you're makin' well, other things, you have to do the same thing, only spelled a little different you have to allow for the seems.

"Said she done dress-makin'," said Lander, doggedly. "You ha'n't been the'a?" He nodded. "You didn't say anything to her about her daughta?" "Yes, I did," said Lander. "Well, you ce'tainly do equal anything," said his wife. She lay still awhile, and then she roused herself with indignant energy.

And Liddy, whose dream had always been to do "reg'lar city dress-makin', with helpers an' plates an' furnish the findin's at the shop," and whose lot instead had been to cut and fit "just the durable kind," was blithely at work night and day on Mis' Postmaster Sykes's tobacco-brown net.

He took the money he owed us for milk and meat and dress-makin' an' other things to buy them cigars. You got up early an' worked late to pay for 'em; he didn't. I got up at half-past three o'clock in the mornin' half-past three in the winter, when he was asleep in his bed, damn him. The time will come when he won't sleep more than some other folks.

Theer's lots o' things gells can do in Manchester tailorin, or machinin, or dress-makin, or soomthin like that. But yo must get a bit older, an I must find a place for us to live in, so theer's naw use fratchin, like a spiteful hen. Yo must bide and I must bide. But I'll coom back for yo, I swear I will, an we'll get shut on Aunt Hannah, an live in a little place by ourselves, as merry as larks.