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Significance of the Adagia and similar works of later years Erasmus as a divulger of classical culture Latin Estrangement from Holland Erasmus as a Netherlander Meanwhile renown came to Erasmus as the fruit of those literary studies which, as he said, had ceased to be dear to him.

Dear me! you can't be so stupid as not to see that, if your name is left out, suspicion will at once point to you as the divulger? 'Yes I suppose that is so. 'And this man is a ruler in one of the greatest cities in the world! Go on, Mr. Fleming; who else was there besides Crupper, Smollet, and yourself?

Perhaps it was some fear in this respect that had kept him from Parliament and confined him to the courts and the company of attorneys. He was, in truth, a married man with a family; but they who knew him as the terror of opponents and as the divulger of legal opinions, heard nothing of his wife and children.

Let me have some tea in my own room at four, please." She got up, and her letter and one of the cards fell to the floor. I picked them up for her, and I saw on the card: Mrs. Ronald Chataway Magnetic Healer and Mediumistic Divulger Lost Articles a Specialty I don't know why, but I thought, like mother and Aunt Elizabeth, "Well, of all things!"

He had entrusted Planner with the secret of his critical position had made him acquainted with the dishonest transactions of his father, and the consequent bankruptcy of the firm. Not that this disclosure had been made in any violent ebullition of unguarded feeling from any particular love to Planner from an inability on the part of the divulger to keep his own good counsel.