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An hour afterward I was at the camp of the Stuart horse artillery. Five minutes after greeting Tom, who had sought Katy, at "Disaway's" been directed to the woods and there speedily joined us I left the young ones together, and made my way back to the mansion.

In thirty seconds the rosy-faced youngster Tom, had driven the antique and battered Surry quite from the mind of the Bird of Beauty. That discomfited individual, therefore, took his way back sadly to Disaway's, leaving the children his blessing; declined the cordial invitations to spend the night, mounted his horse, and rode to find Will Davenant, at the horse artillery.

You perceive, do you not, my dear friend? You appreciate my motive?" "Perfectly, Tom. There will probably be a battle near 'Disaway's." "And I'd better ride over the ground, eh?" "Yes." "Well, I'll do it!" "Only beware of one thing!" "What, my dear Surry?" asked Tom, anxiously. "There is probably a conservatory at Disaway's." "A conservatory?"

Under the shy, blushing face, was the passion and will of the born soldier the beardless boy had become the master mind, and drove on every thing by his stern will. In spite of every exertion to overcome the obstacles in the roads, it was nearly sunrise before we reached open ground. Then we emerged upon the upland, near "Disaway's," and saw a picturesque spectacle.

Through the thicket wound the "military road" of General Hampton; and I soon found that his head-quarters were at a spot which I had promised myself to visit "Disaway's." Two hours' ride brought me to the place. Disaway's was an old mansion, standing on a hill above the Rowanty, near the "Halifax bridge," by which the great road from Petersburg to North Carolina crosses the stream.

"Well, I will visit you there." "Please do. The house is called 'Disaway's." I bowed, smiling, and turned to Tom Herbert. "When shall I see you again, Tom, and where? Next week at Disaway's?" Tom colored and then laughed. This dandy, you see, was a good boy still. "Well, old fellow," he replied, "I think it possible I may visit Dinwiddie.