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We have detectaphones in his rooms, wires on his telephone, and are watching him night and day. He never goes out except to work, never has any except unimportant telephone calls, and the instruments register only the occasional scratching of a match, the rustle of papers, and other noises of a man studying. He's innocent."

He walked to the wall and stared, for the dislodgment of plaster and paper had revealed three round black discs, set flush with the plaster and only separated from the room by the wallpaper, which had been stripped. "Jumping Moses!" said the colonel softly. "Detectaphones!" He took Pinto's knife from his hand and prised one of the discs loose.

They have one man in front and one in back, a couple of detectaphones in my rooms here, and have coupled onto this telephone. "Don't worry," he continued calmly as the other made an exclamation of dismay. "Talk ahead as loud as you please they can't hear you. Do you think that those poor, ignorant flat feet can show me anything about electricity?

I don't think our clever Chief would have the temerity to show up here yet, even at this hour." We waited some time, but not the sound of a voice came from the instrument. "It would be just like them to discover one of these detectaphones," remarked Garrick at length. "This is a good opportunity. I believe I'll just let myself down there in the yard again and separate those two wires, further.