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Just out of sight of Dersi's home the Germans halted, and the young man himself approached the house. His mother greeted him effusively and inquired the cause of his sudden return. "Well, mother," he said, "I have accomplished my mission. I have learned the strength of the German army, and am now returning to my own regiment. But what of the two lads who were here? Have they gone?

I never had anything hurt like that." At that instant there came a groan from the fallen man. Hal and Chester bent over him. Dersi's voice was very indistinct, and the boys at first were unable to distinguish what he said. Hal placed his ear close to the dying man's lips. The voice came faintly. "Do not tell mother I died like this. It would break her heart. She thinks I am a soldier of France.

Hal did so, and the general listened attentively, without asking a single question until Hal had concluded his story. "It must be true," he said at length, half to himself. "I remember well that there was something mysterious in the traitor Dersi's escape. It was never explained satisfactorily. Yes, it must be true."

This he brought to bear, and an instant before Dersi's finger pressed the trigger, Chester fired. Dersi fell to the ground with a groan. His revolver exploded as he fell, and the bullet whistled close to Hal's right ear. Quickly Hal jumped to Chester's side and raised his chum in his arms. "Chester! Chester!" he said anxiously. "Tell me, are you much hurt?"