United States or South Korea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His sister was another favourite theme; she was many years younger than himself, and not yet come out; but he was very desirous of introducing her to Mrs. and Miss Martindale; and Violet, who had heard of Lady Lucy all her life, was much pleased when a day was fixed for a quiet dinner at Mrs. Delaval's, the aunt with whom she lived. How Mrs. Moss would enjoy hearing of it!

Preliminary remarks on re-entering the States Americanisms A little slang Liquoring up Eccentricities in dress A 'cute chap down east Conversation on eating A Kentucky gal Lake Champlain Delaval's A noisy serenade Albany Beauties of the Hudson The Empire City. It has been truly observed that a reliable book on the United States yet remains to be written.

She thought to pay off her obligations by an immediate visit to his sister, while she knew him to be safe out of the way; and, driving to Mrs. Delaval's, she sent her nephew home, intending to walk back.

Delaval's among the rest; for she and Arthur were equally resolved to remain at home that evening, and she wished to persuade herself that they were Violet's friends, not her own. In the midst, Mrs. Finch and Miss Gardner called, and in her state of irritation the smooth tongue of the latter was oil to the flame. 'Poor thing, no doubt she thinks she has been making a heroic exertion.

Our companions were rather of a low description, many of them Germans, and desperate tobacco-chewers. The whole floor of the car was covered with streams of tobacco-juice, apple-cores, grape-skins, and chestnut-husks. We crossed the Hudson River, and spent the night at Delaval's, at Albany.