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Some said that the General "scented their purpose" to declare themselves perpetual, and to get rid of him by ordering him to Scotland. "Others say this, that the cries of the oppressed proveiled much with him.... & hastned the declaracion of that ould principle, Salus populi suprema lex &c."

Therefore the Romaines, where the situacion lacked strength thei supplied thesame with arte, and with industrie. And for that I in this my declaracion, have willed to imitate the Romaines, I will not departe from the maner of their incamping, yet not observyng altogether their order, but takyng thesame parte, whiche semeth unto me, to be mete for this present tyme.

Mds. en tantos de hebrero del dicho año á hacer esta segunda declaración, donde comenzó á descubrir mas la piedad de su buen ánimo; y ansí como no tenía de nuevo cosa particular que decir de ,... dice confusamente que me sintió inclinado á novedades agenas de la antigüedad de nuestra fe y religion, en lo cual si este testigo tuviese conciencia..., habia de señalar en particular algunas novedades que hubiese visto en mi doctrina, ó oido en mis disputas;... Demás desto si es verdad que sintió de lo que dice ¿por qué en la deposicion primera que hizo por el diciembre no lo declaró?

And I praye you to beare in minde this declaracion, which I here sign with my hande, and witch I pray you may one day be called upon to prove the truth on. Beleave me, Madam, that there is none in the World who doth more honor to your vertue than myselfe, nor who wishes your happinesse with more zeal than MAXIMILIAN. "From my lodgings in Whitehall, this 25th of February.