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While the sheriff's posse was picking its way gingerly over the loose rock and earth dam formed by the landslide, the window went up in the Rosemary and Winton saw Virginia. Without meaning to, she gave him his battle-word. "We are a dozen Winchesters to your one, Mr. Deckert, and we shall resist force with force. Order your men back or there will be trouble."

Come up, and you may read your warrants to us all day." Deckert withdrew his men, and at Winton's signal the track-layers came in and the earth began to fly again. Virginia sighed her relief, and Bessie plucked up courage to go to the window, which she had deserted in the moment of impending battle.

It was addressed to the superintendent of the C. G. R. at Carbonate, and she read it without scruple. "Have the Sheriff of Ute County swear in a dozen deputies and come with them by special train to Argentine. Revive all possible titles to abandoned mining claims on line of the Utah Extension, and have Sheriff Deckert bring blank warrants to cover any emergency.

"There were other lives involved besides yours. I didn't say I was specially afraid for you, did I?" "No, but you meant it. And I thought afterward that I should have given you a hint in some way, though the way didn't offer at the time. There was no danger of bloodshed. I knew we all knew that Deckert wouldn't go to extremities with the small force he had." "Then it was only a a "