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D'Aulon would fain have asked me concerning the mystery of the confession in which Brother Thomas had placed his hope so unhappily, but the physician forbade him to inquire, or me to answer, saying that it was more than my life was worth. But on D'Aulon's battered armour there was no deeper dint than that dealt by the murderous crucifix.

D'Aulon's evidence is one of the most complete of the entire set of testimonies. It was given, not at Rouen, but at Lyons, in 1456, before the Vice-Inquisitor, John Desprès. His depositions are remarkable in this, that, unlike those of the other witnesses, they are recorded in French, and not in Latin. Next to d'Aulon succeeds, in the chain of witnesses, Simon Beaucroix, aged fifty.

Then he pulled himself together and said, remorsefully, "It was the only lie I've ever told, and " He was drowned out with a chorus of groans and outraged exclamations; and before he could begin again, one of D'Aulon's liveried servants appeared and said we were required at headquarters. We rose, and Noel said: "There what did I tell you? I have a presentiment the spirit of prophecy is upon me.

Francis, called Noiroufle while of the world, has been most truly and righteously accused by me of divers deeds of black treason." At these words the cordelier's hand leaped up from his breast, his crucifix dagger glittered bright, he tore his frock from D'Aulon's grip, leaving a rag of it in his hand, and smote, aiming at the squire where the gorget joins the vambrace.