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His large acquaintance with German scholars enabled him to give most interesting reminiscences of the teaching and personality of some of these, his teachers and friends. Among the talks which we remember vividly were those on Tholuck, Dörner, and Von Ranke. At another time Dr.

Have you been in the water, or what have you done?" "I washed my hands under the water pump and I got splashed," Cornelli answered. "Naturally," remarked Miss Dorner. "There are arrangements in the rooms for washing hands, which involve no splashing. Go, now, and put on another apron. You have to be orderly and neat at mealtimes." Cornelli departed.

Like Augustine, Dorner recognizes degrees of guilt in lies, according to the spirit and motive of their telling; but in any event, if there be falsehood with the purpose of deceiving, it is a sin to be regretted and repented of. Dorner makes a fresh distinction between the stratagems of war and lying, which is worthy of note.

"The child certainly obeys you that is something," said Miss Grideelen. "Since you told her to, she always comes to table properly washed." "That is true. But she has the most unheard-of manners," replied Miss Dorner. "How shall one get rid of those and start the child on the right path? I must ask you to help her in the morning, Miss Mina.

"Who in all the house would have done it except you? Please ask yourself that, Cornelli! There is no question about it at all," said Miss Dorner. "It is probably one of your little jokes similar to throwing your dresses out of the window. I know all about it. Just let me tell you this! It is the last time that you, a girl of ten years old, will show such a terrible lack of manners.