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De corner's squar as de stone dat sots on it, an' is cut wid a pictur o' de king's crown." "Mason and Dixon's line they call it," interpreted Mrs. Custis. "Do you know Joe Johnson, Dave?" "Yes, Marster Phoebus, you bet I does. He's at Salisbury, he's at Vienna, he's up yer to Crotcher's Ferry, he's all ober de country, but he don't go to Delawaw any more in de daylight.

Thar ain't a court-house within twenty miles, nor a town in ten, except Crotcher's Ferry, whar every Sunday mornin' the people goin' to church kin pick up a basketful of ears, eyes, noses, fingers, an' hair bit off a-fightin' on Saturday afternoon.

They call the country around Crotcher's, Wire Neck, caze no neck is left thar that kin be twisted off; the country in lower Car'line they calls 'Puckem, caze the crops is so puckered up. They say Joe's a great man among his neighbors, an' kin go to the Legislater.

Having swallowed his liquor greedily, the colored man replied, with his former lowering countenance and evasive eyes: "You can't do nothin' as low down de river as Vienny, 'case de Nanticoke is too wide dar, and if you cross it at Vienny ferry, den you got de Norfwest Fork between you and Johnson's Cross-roads, wid one ferry over dat, at Crotcher's, an' Joe Johnson owns all dat place.