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Don't cry, poor helpless crathers; but how can you help cryin' when your poor mother's cryin'. That's a bitther thing, too, and it's on this page see that that that's it I've between my fingers look at it 'how wet it is wid the poor craythur's tears; but there's no blood here no, no nothing but tears. Oh, here see here a page as big as the rest, bat wid nothing on it.

"We might be able to kedge her off, sorr, an' thin ag'in we moightn't; but the foorst thing to say, sorr, is whither she's all roight below." "A good suggestion," answered Mr Mackay. "Tell the carpenter to sound the well at once." "That'd be no good at all, sorr," interposed the other, "for the poor craythur's got her bows hoigh an' dhry, while she's down by the starn.

I never wint to school but wanst, an' I remimber I threw the masther into a kiln-pot, an' broke the poor craythur's arm; an' from that day to this, I never could be brought a single day to school." Peter and Ellish now began to be pointed out as a couple worthy of imitation by those who knew that perseverance and industry never fail of securing their own reward.

After we had all crossed, and were again on the road, I asked Patsey what the trouble seemed to be with his mule. "Faith," said he, "don't I know well enuff? The craythur's bin put up to thim thricks by min as ought to know bother; but I'll be avin wid some one, if it takes a wake's wages, whin I git to Californy."

But see here here's a page wid only one side of it covered let vis see what's on it. Oh, ay here's the poor craythur's childre, wid the poor father and the poor mother; but they have the one cow to give milk to moisten their bit. Ha ha look again, there she goes off to the pound!