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In addition, it became more difficult, for the formation began now to change, and instead of being a succession of narrow crack-like passages in almost every variety of inclination between the horizontal and perpendicular, and rock grotto-like chambers of varying extent the road began to fork and break up into vast halls, from which more than once they could hardly find an exit.

Felt myself going right into a crack-like sort o' place." "All stand still, then," cried my uncle, "while I strike a match. Where's the lanthorn?" "Oh, I've got that fast, sir; but you won't get the wick to light, I'm afraid, now." "Here, stop!" I cried, as a sudden feeling of delight shot through me. "I can see daylight yonder." "Bravo! Well done, Nat!" cried my uncle.

Our second evening at Mukamba's, Susi, the Doctor's servant, got gloriously drunk, through the chief's liberal and profuse gifts of pombe. Just at dawn neat morning I was awakened by hearing several sharp, crack-like sounds. I listened, and I found the noise was in our hut.

We walked through our village, which clings to both sides of a crack-like harbour that might just contain a carefully navigated walnut-shell. The village is grey and white, all its walls are whitewashed, all its roofs are slate with cushions of stone-crop clinging to them. Sea-thistles grow outside its doors, seagulls are its only birds.

One candle burned out as we tried to move it, and deferring the lighting of another for reasons of economy, we climbed to the narrow crack-like passage and went along it about thirty yards before Tom, who was first, turned round in a part where the passage widened a few feet. "Now look here, Mas'r Harry," he said. "We don't know that there ain't no other way out of the cave.