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Her lashes were so long, and he knew that her lips were as cool as the heart of a melon; but that husband of hers knew better than he! And he, grandson of the just Maccabee, allied by marriage to the noble line of Costobarus through his daughter, Laodice, the bride with the greatest dowry in Judea, had staked his soul on the toss of a coin and had lost it!

Costobarus went to a cabinet on the wall and drew forth a shittim-wood case which he unlocked. Therefrom he took a small casket and opened it. He then held it so that the sun, falling into it, set fire to a bed of loose gems mingled without care for kind or value a heap of glowing color emitting sparks. "Here are one hundred of the talents," Costobarus said.

Aquila touched his horse and riding away from the woman came up beside Costobarus who was gazing over the country through which they were passing. It was a great plain, advancing by benches and slopes to the edge of a rocky shore. Without forests, spotted only with verdure, vast, barren, exhausted with the constant production of fourteen centuries, it was a cheerless sea-front at its best.

"I doubt the counting houses; if I had known sooner " Philip began. "Aquila arrived only this morning. I sent a messenger to you at once." Philip rose. "We waste time in talk. I shall inform thee by messenger presently. God speed thee! My blessings on thy son-in-law and on thy daughter!" Costobarus rose and took his friend's hand.