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This illness, bringing Fechner face to face with inner desperation, made a great crisis in his life. 'Had I not then clung to the faith, he writes, 'that clinging to faith would somehow or other work its reward, so hätte ich jene zeit nicht ausgehalten. His religious and cosmological faiths saved him thenceforward one great aim with him was to work out and communicate these faiths to the world.

Thus the physico-theological, failing in its undertaking, recurs in its embarrassment to the cosmological argument; and, as this is merely the ontological argument in disguise, it executes its design solely by the aid of pure reason, although it at first professed to have no connection with this faculty and to base its entire procedure upon experience alone.

The cosmological ideas are therefore occupied with the totality of the regressive synthesis, and proceed in antecedentia, not in consequentia. When the latter takes place, it is an arbitrary and not a necessary problem of pure reason; for we require, for the complete understanding of what is given in a phenomenon, not the consequences which succeed, but the grounds or principles which precede.

The weaknesses of the cosmological argument in its first half consist in the fact that, in the inference from the contingent to a cause for it, it oversteps the boundary of the sense-world, and, in the inference from the impossibility of an infinite series of conditions to a first cause, it employs the subjective principle of investigation to assume hypothetically a necessary ultimate ground in behalf of the systematic unity of knowledge as an objective principle applying to things in themselves.

It was thereby compelled to assume two kinds of freedom, one cosmological, of the first cause, and the other moral and theological, of human will. These are represented in Kant by the third as well as the fourth antimony of freedom.

And although the result of these conflicts of reason is not what we expected although we have obtained no positive dogmatical addition to metaphysical science we have still reaped a great advantage in the correction of our judgements on these subjects of thought. SECTION VIII. Regulative Principle of Pure Reason in relation to the Cosmological Ideas.

The minor contains an experience, the major reasons from a general experience to the existence of a necessary being.* Thus this argument really begins at experience, and is not completely a priori, or ontological. The object of all possible experience being the world, it is called the cosmological proof.

Only when we have abandoned this untenable illusion, and taken up the correct cosmological perspective, can we hope to reach the solution of the Riddle of the Universe. Haeckel There was a man, once upon a day, who lived in East Aurora and kept a store.

Passing from comments on prophetical passages of Scripture to those on cosmological, it was, I suppose, the common belief of ages, sustained by received interpretations of the sacred text, that the earth was immovable.

All that has been said above also applies to the theory of a spiritus mundi, or spirit of the universe, which formed so large a part in the cosmological theories of many ancient philosophers. It is supposed to be a sort of all-pervading nervous principle, having, however, a mind of its own, when occasion demands for otherwise how are the results to be accounted for?