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And nothing so effectually as an evening bath, as my experience testifies, cures fatigue and propitiates to dreamless slumber. Thursday, June 9. At the Louvre. Studied three statues half an hour each the Venus Victrix, Polyhymnia, and Gladiateur Combattant. The first is mutilated; but if disarmed she conquers all hearts, what would she achieve in full panoply?

I confess I did expect to see something that would remind me of the girl's little deformed neighbor, if not portraits of him. There is a left arm again, though; no, that is from the "Fighting Gladiator," the "Jeune Heros combattant" of the Louvre; there is the broad ring of the shield. An Eden of all the humped and crooked creatures!

I confess I did expect to see something that would remind me of the girl's little deformed neighbor, if not portraits of him. There is a left arm again, though; no, that is from the "Fighting Gladiator," the "Jeune Heros combattant" of the Louvre; there is the broad ring of the shield. An Eden of all the humped and crooked creatures!

The colossal Pallas, in a recess to the R., was found at Velletri in 1797: it is another Roman reproduction of a Greek bronze. Near the entrance to the next room stands a pleasing Venus, 525, and in the centre the famous "Borghese Gladiator" or Héros Combattant, actually, a warrior attacking a mounted Amazon. An inscription states that it is the work of Agasias of Ephesus.

Le premier des Rois d'Ecosse, qui eut le nom de Jacques, apres avoir ete dix-huit ans prisonnier en Angleterre, mourut assassine, avec sa femme, par la main de ses sujets. Jacques II, son fils, fut tue a vingt-neuf ans en combattant centre les Anglois. Jacques III, mis en prison par son peuple, fut tue ensuite par les revoltes, dans une battaille. Jacques IV perit dans un combat qu'il perdit.