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Colleccion de Leyes, p. 184. The Church of Mexico. Its present Condition and Power. The Number of the "Religios." The Wealth of the Church. The Money-power of the Church. The Power of Assassination. Educating the People robs the Priest. Making and adoring Images. The Progress downward. The Catholic Church of Mexico is a peculiar institution.

We are now prepared to enter the valley of Mexico, and examine the objects that there present themselves. Collección de Léyes, p. 180. "The whole Pacific coast produces pearls, but the most extensive pearl-fisheries, at the present time, are in the Gulf of California, where, among an inexhaustible supply of little pearls, there are produced some of the very finest quality.

The wholesale purchases are made in Luzon and the adjacent islands in fardos, by "colleccion," that is, direct through the finance officials, who have the management of the plants from the sowing; but in the Bisayas by acopio; that is, the Government officials buy up the tobacco tendered by the growers or speculators by the cwt.

Lockhart's translation. London, 1844. Vol. i. p. 157. "We buried our dead in one of the subterranean dwellings." Diaz, vol. i. p. 152. Letters, p. 61. Bernal Diaz, vol. i. p. 179. Vol. i. p. 144. Collección de Léyes, 1853, p. 184. Lord Kingsborough, vol. vi. p. 265. A Year in Spain, by an American. Bernal Diaz, vol. i. p. 207. Acapulco. The Advantages of a Western Voyage to India.

Guillon Robles. Legendas Moriscas. Madrid, 1885-86. 36 petit in 8vo. Guillon Robles. La Legenda de Jose, hijo de Jacob, ye do Alexandro Magna. Zaragoza, 1888, en 8vo. L de Eguilas el Hditz, de La Princess Zoraida. Granada, 1892, 16mo. P. Gil y Ribera et Mar Sanches. Colleccion el textos Aljamiados. Zaragoza, 1888, 8vo.