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Co-Tan and Bradley were on deck alone, and as the new shoreline appeared beyond the point, the girl gave an exclamation of joy and seized the man's hand in hers. "Oh, look!" she cried. "The Galu country! The Galu country! It is my country that I never thought to see again." "You are glad to come again, Co-Tan?" asked Bradley. "Oh, so glad!" she cried. "And you will come with me to my people?

The engines were reversed and the boat brought to a stop while all hands gathered on deck to watch the little party coming toward them across the meadow. "They are Galus," cried Co-Tan; "they are my own people. Let me speak to them lest they think we come to fight them. Put me ashore, my man, and I will go meet them."

The remainder of the men were looking at the girl who now advanced slowly, her bow ready, when Bradley turned toward her and held out his hand. "Co-Tan," he said, "unstring your bow these are my friends, and yours." And to the Englishmen: "This is Co-Tan. You who saw her save me from Schwartz know a part of what I owe her."

Bradley did as he was bid, and the two stood with arms folded as the line of warriors approached. When they had come within some fifty yards, they halted and one spoke. "Who are you and from whence do you come?" he asked; and then Co-Tan gave a little, glad cry and sprang forward with out-stretched arms. "Oh, Tan!" she exclaimed. "Do you not know your little Co-Tan?"