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This young Bloojacket, who's bubblin' over with sperits has a heap of interestin' stories about the 'Grey Fox. It's doo to Bloojacket to say he performs them dooties of his as a scout like a clean-strain sport, an' quits an' p'ints back for the paternal camp of Hardrobe in high repoote.

You will observe that it is wavy, a medium crop, of average fineness, and jet black." The captain laughed at his frankness. "Very well, Farrel; I'll admit you're clean-strain white. But tell me: How much of you is Latin and how much Farrel?" It was Farrel's turn to chuckle now. "Seriously, I cannot answer that question.

"'Yo tambien, yells a Mexican over near the door. "'Put that Greaser out! shouts Enright, at the same time bangin' the table. 'This ain't no international incident at all, an' nothin' but the clean-strain American wolf is eligible to howl. "The Greaser goes out on his saddle-colored head, an' Enright puts Boggs's motion.

"Are you going to marry her?" "Certainly not. What put that notion in your head?" "It got there. You were pretty thick. And if she rode there in that storm unless she thought a lot of you " "I'm mighty proud of it. We're good friends like brother and sister. No more. She has the best brand of clean-strain pluck of any girl I know." "So she has," Farwell agreed. "She's a girl in a million.

I said I'd like to see Kay married to a he man like Miguel Farrel. And Farrel is not half greaser. A greaser is, I take it, a sort of mongrel Indian and Spanish. Farrel is clean-strain Caucasian, Kate. He's a white man inside and out." "His financial situation renders him impossible, of course." "Naturally." "I wish it were otherwise, Johnny.