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"Next some boys, out clamming, saw her," said Jack, "and they said 'peach." "Either of which would have done nicely," declared Ed. "Peach would have been the very name after the girls " "Chelton is dignified and appropriate," interposed Cora; "besides, if we should stray off to Holland they would know along the Dikes that we belonged in Chelton."

Seeing that Cap'n Amazon was busy with some men he had met, the girl walked out to the little vestibule of the church. Here a number of women and men were discussing various matters the sermon, the weather, clamming, boating, and the colony at The Beaches. Two women stood apart from the others and presently Louise was attracted to them by the sound of Lawford Tapp's name.

Grace, Mollie and Roy began collecting the picnic things. The young law student and his chum made good time. Nor did they waste any when they reached the lone cabin. A glance up and down the beach showed no trace of the missing ones. In the offing a schooner was slowly sailing away. "There goes that boat," remarked Allen. "Didn't seem to have any business around here neither clamming or fishing."

He wondered if the voice which was so distinctly audible in his ear could be heard and understood in the room. Oh, this was dreadful, dreadful! "HELLO!" roared the voice again. "Hello, Bangs! Are you there?" "Oh, yes ah yes. I am here. Quite so yes." "Well, I'm glad. I thought you might have gone clamming or something. Well, I asked if you knew who this was? Do you?"