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The first white men known or supposed to have ever penetrated the original forests in the town of Heath were Richard Hazen and six others, the surveyor and chain-men and their assistants, who ran the official northern line of Massachusetts in the early spring of 1741.

"Well, I'll organize regular survey groups compass-man, axe-man, rod-man, chain-men and let them run lines; and I'll make them estimate timber, and make a sketch map or so. It's all practical." "I should think so!" cried Bob. "I wonder if I could pass it myself." He laughed. "I should hate to tackle tying those things on that horse even after seeing those prospectors do it!"

Lodge, our surveyor, and Thomas Grant with the Jacob-staff, the four chain-bearers with the chain, and Corporal Calhawn, all standing stock still and gazing up the slope toward us. The next moment Grant dropped his Jacob-staff, turned and ran; the chain-men flung away their implements, and Mr.

They head it in the proper direction for the teamsters and chain-men, and these then drag it down to the water over roads which are watered to make the logs slide easily; and then, either at high tide or during the winter freshets, the logs are run down to the mill.

Then a young surveyor, just graduated from college, comes with his chain-men and flag-men, and finds that the squirrels, and bears, and hunters, and all the rest have picked out the easiest way for him long centuries ago. See! there comes a train along the track. This is the way a railway route grew out of a squirrel path.