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It was a risky thing, too, because Old Pepper wouldn't have been exactly mild with us if he had got next to the game. "Me and my mate, a lad named Harry Cassell, a Bombardier in D 238 Battery, or Lance-Corporal, as you call it in the infantry, used to relieve the telephonists. We would do two hours on and four off.

Fiction. "The Lady with the Rubies." Translated from the German of E. Marlitt by Mrs. A.L. Wister. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company. "Barbara Heathcote's Trial." By Rosa Nouchette Carey. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company. "The Bar Sinister. A Social Study." New York: Cassell & Co. "Pine-Cones." By Willis Boyd Allen. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. "An Old Maid's Paradise."

Ay wine an' cards, an' riot' when they brought the painted women in, until the innocent blood was spilt, and Hector came down from Quesnelle with the widow's black curse upon him but it was his partner shot Cassell in the back. The widow's curse; and that's maybe why Mary Macdonal' lies long years her lone among the hills o' Argyle."

"Just then Bombardier Cassell cut in on the wire: "'General's compliments to Captain A . He directs that officer and signaler report at the double to Brigade Headquarters as soon as relieved. Relief is now on the way. "In an undertone to me, 'Keep a brass front, Wilson, and for God's sake, stick. I answered with, 'Rely on me, mate, but I was trembling all over.

It ran something like this: "'Say, Cassell, how would you like to be in the saloon bar of the King's Arms down Rye Lane with a bottle of Bass in front of you, and that blonde barmaid waiting to fill 'em up again? "Cassell had a fancy for that particular blonde. The answer came back in the shape of a volley of cusses. I changed the subject.