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'Well, I am rather busy, but what is it you want me to do? 'It would be a shame to ask you. 'Still, ask me. 'I am so terrified they may be filed. 'You want me to ? 'If you would just come up, and help me to fold the sheets! The sheets are folded and I return to Albert. 'Where did you put the carrot-grater?

It will all have to be done over again if I let Albert go for a moment, so, gripping him hard, I shout indignantly that I have not seen the carrot-grater. 'Then what did you grate the carrots on? asks the voice, and the door-handle is shaken just as I shake Albert.

'On a broken cup, I reply with surprising readiness, and I get to work again but am less engrossed, for a conviction grows on me that I put the carrot-grater in the drawer of the sewing-machine. I am wondering whether I should confess or brazen it out, when I hear my sister going hurriedly upstairs. I have a presentiment that she has gone to talk about me, and I basely open my door and listen.

When she saw the brass lining of the jelly-pan discolored, and that the stockings hanging from the string beneath the mantelpiece had given way where the wearers were hardest on them; when she found dripping adhering to a cold frying-pan instead of in a "pig," and the pitcher leaking and the carrot-grater stopped when these and similar discoveries were made by Grizel, was it a squeal of horror she gave that such things should be, or a cry of rapture because to her had fallen the task of setting them right?