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Then, too, what a refreshment to the eyes is it, when the unbroken expanse of sky and sea before the house tires, to turn them landward over the piece of flowers toward the cool green marshes ribboned with the pale pink camphor-scented fleabane, the almost intangible sea lavender, the great rose mallows and cat-tail flags of the wet ground, the false indigo that, in the distance, reminds one of the broom of Scottish hills, the orange-fringed orchis, pink sabbatia, purple maritime gerardia, milkwort, the groundsel tree, that covers itself with feathers in autumn, until, far away beyond the upland meadows, the silver birches stand as outposts to the cool oak woods, in whose shade the splendid yellow gerardia, or downy false foxglove, nourishes.

"You can't evade me by airing camphor-scented views of my sex," she returned. "What I wish to know and I still stick to my point, you see is the very thing you are so carefully holding back." "I am holding back nothing, on my honour," he assured her. "Well?" her voice rose inquiringly, for he had paused.

I see plainly I might as well carry my dear old Evelyn fragrant with mint and marjoram back upstairs, and wrap it up in ancient camphor-scented linen, and put it away tenderly to sleep its last sleep in the venerable cedar chest, where my grandfather's huge knee-buckles, and my great-grandmother's yellow brocaded silk-dress, with its waist the length of my little finger, and the sleeves as wide as a balloon.

As tea went on Miriam found her eyes drawn back and back again to these newly unpacked camphor-scented dresses... and when conversation broke after moments of stillness... shadowy foliage... the still hot garden... the sunbaked wooden room beyond the sunny saal, the light pouring through three rooms and bright along the table... it was to the Martins' check dresses that she glanced.