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Blew a lot o' smoke 'n bird shot 'n paper waddin' right up in t' his face. The panther he lost his whiskers 'n one eye 'n got his hide fill' o' shot 'n fell off the tree like a ripe apple 'n run fer his life. Thought he'd never see nuthin' c'u'd growl 'n spits powerful es thet boy. Never c'u'd bear the sight uv a man after thet. Allwus made him gag 'n spit t' think o' the man critter.

"I 'member once a big bull tried t' find out the kind o' works I hed in me. 'T wa'n' no moose jest a common ord'nary three-year-ol' bull." "Hurt you?" I queried. "No; 't hurt 'im." said he, soberly. "Sp'ilt 'im, es ye might say. Could n't never bear the sight uv a man efter thet. Seem so he did n't think he wus fit t' be seen. Nobody c'u'd ever git 'n a mild o' th' poor cuss. Hed t' be shot."

Spark from my cigar fell on my hand." "You know, you smoke too much, Pat," said his wife, seizing the opening with the instinct which makes an Irishman at a fair hit every head he sees. "I'm all right, me dear. Faith, I c'u'd smoke wan hondred a day and no harm done." By way of proving the assertion he puffed out with increased vigor at his cigar.

The gold taken from the shaft is much finer than that extracted from the quartz. The quartz yielded about eighteen dollars to the ton, which the "General" declared to be as well as "a feller c'u'd expect, considerin' things, more or less!"