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They don't worry so much through the day, but at night at night, when one with infinite care has examined the inside of the mosquito-curtains to make sure none are lurking, and then, satisfied, has dived into bed and tucked the curtain carefully round, and is just going off to sleep buzz-z-z sounds the hateful thing, and all hope of a quiet night is gone.

They worked like beavers and the rap, rap, rap of hammers, the buzz-z-z of band and jigsaws and the hum-m of motors could be heard in their workshop on the first floor of the headquarters building at almost any hour. Of course, the boys were not entirely sure that they would win first or even third prize, because there were any number of others competing for the same honors.

The present King had established an order of the "Golden Bee." The Knights of the Golden Bee wore ribbons studded with golden bees on their breasts, and their watchword was a sort of a "buzz-z-z," like the humming of a bee. When they were in full regalia they wore also some curious wings made of gold wire and lace. The Knights of the Golden Bee comprised the finest nobles of the court.

Only among the tree-trunks a pale wisp of smoke meandered upwards, telling of a camp-fire behind. About him was the drowsy buzz-z-z of an August noon. A cabbage butterfly sailed by. The creature's insufferable airs annoyed him. The fate of Nelson, the life of a noble lad, these were nothing to it, curse it for its callousness! The minutes passed.