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The moose threw up his head, gave a loud snort and blew his breath through his nose with a whistling sound, then crashed off through the forest. This fact led Black Bruin to surmise that he was afraid of him, and nearly resulted in his undoing. The following day, he discovered the broad-antlered stranger browsing upon a small tree that was bent down under his foreleg.

The store was her forest; and many times she raised her rifle at game that seemed broad-antlered and big; but always some deep unerring instinct perhaps of the huntress, perhaps of the woman made her hold her fire and take up the trail again. Lou flourished in the laundry. Out of her $18.50 per week she paid $6. for her room and board. The rest went mainly for clothes.

The fox, hungering as he always hungers, foremost, lest other scavengers, like himself, shall steal the prize he seeks; a troupe of broad-antlered deer racing headlong down the valley; shaggy wolves, grey or red, lurking within the shadow, as though fearing the open daylight, or perhaps him whose voice has summoned them; these things they see, but their meaning is lost to the feathered wanderers, as they wing their way onward.

Suddenly the broad-antlered monster was above him, striking with terrible cutting hoofs, which ploughed deep furrows in his shaggy coat and cut deeper gashes. Almost before he knew it, he had been knocked down and was rapidly being trampled to death. The only thing that protected him was his fat.

They may have been looking for feeding grounds, or perhaps the autumn restlessness was upon their leader, who was a giant of his kind, a broad-antlered belligerent bull moose, ready at this season of the year to fight anything and everything that crossed his path. The first time Black Bruin saw the newcomers he was digging roots along the edge of a shallow pond.