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Maxley had burst in on him at Albion Villa to say her husband was dying in torment: and indeed the symptoms she gave were alarming, and, if correct, looked very like lockjaw. But her description had been cut short by a severe attack, which choked her and turned her speechless and motionless, and white to the very lips. "'Oho, sis I, 'brist-pang! And at such a time, ye know.

Now, angina pictoris or brist-pang is not curable through the lungs, nor the stomick, nor the liver, nor the stays, nor the saucepan, as the bunglintinkerindox of the schools pretind, but only through that mighty mainspring the Brain; and instid of going meandering to the Brain round by the stomick, and so giving the wumman lots o' time to die first, which is the scholastic practice, I wint at the Brain direct, took a puff o' chlorofm put m' arm round her neck, laid her back in a chair she didn't struggle, for, when this disorrder grips ye, ye cant move hand nor foot and had my lady into the land of Nod in half a minute; thin off t' her husband; so here's th' Healer between two stools spare the whipcord, spoil the knacker! it would be a good joke if I was to lose both pashints for want of a little unbeequity, wouldn't it Lash the lazy vagabin!

"Oh, it is a mortal disease," replied Sampson, as cool as a cucumber. "She has got angina pictoris or brist-pang, a disorder that admirably eximplifies the pretinsions of midicine t' seeince." And with this he dashed into monologue. Maxley's tall gaunt form came slouching in, and traversed the floor, pounding it with heavy nailed boots. He seated himself gravely at Mrs.