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Then suddenly he laughed aloud. "By Jove! It would be too utterly ridiculous! Whatever made you think of such a thing?" "Only the prospect you yourself suggested," replied Longford "That of seeing a brewer or a bone-melter in possession of Roxmouth Castle. Surely even Mrs. Fred would be preferable to that!"

With a smiling upward and downward glance, she mastered Sir Morton Pippitt's 'striking and jovial personality, his stiffly-carried upright form, large lower chest, close-shaven red face, and pleasantly clean white hair, "The very picture of a Bone-Melter" she thought "He looks as if he had been boiled all over himself quite a nice well- washed old man," her observant eyes flashed over the attenuated form of Julian Adderley with a sparkle of humour, she noticed the careful carelessness of his attire, the artistic 'set' of his ruddy locks, the eccentric cut of his trousers, and the, to himself, peculiar knot of his tie.

Rest, an ailing, nervous and exceedingly poor creature, with a large family to keep, had been only too glad and ready to do anything Sir Morton Pippitt wished, for the sake of being invited to dine at the Hall once a week, it was therefore a very unexpected and disagreeable experience for the imperious Bone-melter to learn that the new incumbent was not at all disposed to follow in the steps of his predecessor, but, on the contrary, was apparently going to insist on having his own way with as much emphasis as Sir Morton Pippitt himself.