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It's nearly twelve o'clock. Of course they came round! Wind-watchers, all of them! That 3 per cent. got them. I told you if you made it 4 it wouldn't go through." "Some one wanted to know who Mr. Black was, and Mr. Billisoly asked if your name was on the taxpayers' petition. It's like a play with the principal character left out. Suppose " "Suppose nothing! Go to bed and go to sleep!

Billisoly, before I go on?" The latter rose to his feet, put his hand to his mouth, coughed, and looked at Mr. Chinn. "Yes'm, there is. Fifty thousand dollars is a powerful lot of money to borrow at one clip, and " "Three per cent. interest is powerful little money to pay for its use," she answered, smiling. "But that isn't all I am here to say.

Billisoly blew his nose and turned to the man at his side. "Looks like she's got it all there. If she could land Miss Gibbie the rest were easy." "Tell me she and Miss Cary are great friends. They say the old lady is as smart as the devil and he'd be much more apt to get out of her way than she out of his if they met. Listen, there goes Sunny Chinn. Ain't he a cheerful thing to look at?"

We can do anything for Yorkburg we want to if we just want hard enough. Everybody agrees that we need a high-school and a new grammar school. We've needed them for years, and there were few people who pay taxes who didn't sign this petition readily. Nearly everybody wants children to have a chance." "Did the biggest taxpayer in Yorkburg sign it?" It was Mr. Billisoly who asked the question.