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"Cut out that bickerin' like a pair of old women an' 'tend to your business," he commanded. "Get busy there both of you, and shoot a line aboard. There's work enough for two." Dan Hicks sent a man forward to heave the lead under the nose of the Aphrodite, which was edging in gingerly toward the voice.

He did talk the matter over with Deacon Pettybone, but got little enlightenment for his pains. "Don't seem natteral," Scattergood said, "f'r young folks to git to quarrelin' and bickerin' ontil life hain't endurable no longer. 'Tain't natteral a-tall. Somethin' must be all-fired wrong somewheres." "It's human nature to quarrel," said the deacon, gloomily. "Nothin' onusual about it."

Its shrill invective would have awakened the dead. The whistling, regular snores of the sleeper suddenly wound up with a gasping gurgle; he opened his eyes and, in a strong cereal accent gave vent to a somnolent peevish protest. "Losh! . . . whot wi' you fellers bickerin' an' yon damn birrd currsin' I canna sleep! . . . gie th' " But Hardy silenced him with a warning finger. "Sh-sh!

Scattergood peered after the young couple who had the moment before passed his hardware store, not walking jovially in the enjoyment of each other's presence as young married folks should walk, but sullenly and in silence. "They be the i-dentical ones," Will declared. "Naggin' and quarrelin' and bickerin' from sunup to milkin' time.