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But if it be not so, then shall we go to Hildegard the Queen, wife of King Charles of France, who is wont to comfort the disinherited." And they answered that they were ready to follow him and do his bidding. Therewith they went their ways to the Court of the Count and found him not there, because he was gone to Bericain to visit Amis his fellow, and comfort him of the death of his father.

Then said Amile: "Go speedily and lead him hither to me." But when he was before his fellow he asked of him who he was, and how he had gotten that hanap. Said he: "I am of Bericain the Castle, and the hanap was given me by the Apostle of Rome, when he baptized me."

To the child of Bericain did God give so great wisdom, that one might trow that he were another Solomon; and when he was of the age of thirty years a fever took his father, and he fell to admonishing his son in such like words: "Fair son, well beloved, it behoveth me presently to die, and thou shalt abide and be thine own master.

And his wife, who had to name Obias, had him in sore hate, and many a time strove to strangle him; and when Amis found that, he called to him two of his sergeants, Azones and Horatus by name, and said to them: "Take me out of the hands of this evil woman, and take my hanap privily and bear me to the Castle of Bericain."

And they made great joy through that same city for ten days. But on the selfsame day that Amis was made whole, the devils bore off his wife; they brake the neck of her, and bore away her soul. After these things Amis betook him to the Castle of Bericain and laid siege before it; and abode there before so long, that they of the castle rendered themselves to him.

In this wise the fathers brought them before the Apostle at Rome, and spake to him: "Holy Father, whom we know and believe to be in the place of Saint Peter the Apostle, the Count of Alverne, and a noble knight of Bericain the Castle, beseech your Holiness that ye would deign to baptize their sons which they have brought from far away, and that ye would take their little offering from their hands."

In the time of Pepin King of France was a child born in the Castle of Bericain of a noble father of Alemaine who was of great holiness. The father and the mother promised to God, and Saint Peter and Saint Paul, whereas they had none other child, that if God gave it life, they would bear it to Rome to baptism.