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It made me wonder if I could marry a man, however splendid, who owned such exacting standards and such a hot temper. And there were you an unknown quantity, with the Banter-Wrangle discreetly in pursuit. A supreme inducement in itself! Yes, distinctly, that afternoon was a turning-point. Just Lance losing his temper, and you coolly forgetting an arrangement with me "

Discreetly aloof, he observed, in passing, the complete free-and-easiness of the modern maiden with her modern cavalier; personalities flying; likewise legs and arms; a banter-wrangle interlude over a tennis-racquet; flight and pursuit of the offending maiden, punctuated with shrieks, culminating in collapse and undignified surrender: while a pair of club peons also discreetly aloof exchanged remarks whose import would have enraged the unsuspecting pair.

"Thanks very much; but I'm not," Desmond answered serenely. "The great little Banter-Wrangle is it? You could plead a misunderstanding and bribe Mr Sinclair to save the situation!" "Hard luck on Sinclair. But it's not Mrs Ranyard. I'm sorry " "Don't apologise. If you're satisfied, I am." For all her careless tone, Roy had never seen her so nearly put out of countenance.

Daring, passionate words thronged his brain; and through his inner turmoil, he heard her answer lightly: "Don't ask me! Ask the Banter-Wrangle. She knows to an inch the degrees of flagrance officially permitted to the attached and the unattached! You see, in India, we're allowed ... a certain latitude." "Yes I've noticed. It's a pity...." Words simply would not come, on this theme of all others.

Don't talk to me !" Lance Desmond had achieved fame among the subalterns by christening her the Banter-Wrangle; but he liked her well enough, on the whole, to hope she would never find him out.