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Kumodini Babu's family priest decided that Ásár 28th would be a lucky day for the wedding, which was to be held at the bride's great-uncle's house in Calcutta.

The position on a lion is a well-known one of Hittite goddesses. They probably represent Ashtaroth. We may also here mention some theories about the foreign connections of the Egyptian gods. The early Sumerians of Babylonia worshipped Asari, 'the strong one, 'the prince who does good to men. This has a strong resemblance in name and character to Asar, Osiris, of Egypt.

After partaking of it they were dismissed with a largesse of one rupee each. During the next two days presents continued to pour in from relatives of both families. At length the fateful 28th Ásár dawned, bringing a mighty commotion in the respective houses. Shouts and laughter echoed from every side.

And now in the dark, had there been any eye to see, the shadow would have been identified as a barefoot man, lithe, alert, moving silently forward with the soundless stealth of an Arab versed in the art of asar, or man-stalking. To the Master's window this shadow crept, a half-invisible thing in the gloom. It paused there, listening to the deep, regular breathing within.

The three men engaged in the perilous task of what the Arabs call asar, or enemy-tracking, lay prone, with bullets keening high overhead. As the Master looked back, he could see the little spurts of fire from that fusillade. The firing came from more to the left than the Master had reckoned, showing him that he had got a little off his bearings.