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After staying for some years at Arzila, an African town which was under the dominion of Alphonzo V., he returned to Portugal, and was appointed Master of the Horse to John II., a prince whose chief anxiety was to extend the name and power of Portugal beyond the seas.

In 1470, this king went into Africa, accompanied by his son Prince John, where he took the town of Arzila; and the inhabitants of Tangier having fled from fear, he took possession of it also.

One evening, not long after she had first spoken, he was sitting with her on the roof of their house as the sun was going down over the palpitating plains towards Arzila and Laraiche and the great sea beyond.

The only way of obtaining any information at all, is through the registers of taxation; and, to the despotism and exactions of these and most governments, we owe a knowledge of the proximate amount of the numbers of mankind. Tangier, Mogador, Wadnoun, and Sous have already been described, wholly, or in part. In 936, Arzila was sacked by the English, and remained for twenty years uninhabited.

First, they did winne and conquere from the princes of Barbary the Island of Geisera and towne of Arzila, not past an 140. mile distant from their Metropolitane and chiefe citie of Fesse: and after that they wonne also from the said princes the townes of Tanger, Ceuta, Mazigan, Azamor, and Azaffi, all alongst the Sea coasts. And in the yeere of our Lord, 1455.

Passing Tangier after a day's journey, we come to Arzila or Asila, in the province of Hasbat, which is an ancient Berber city, and which, when conquered by the Romans, was named first Zilia and afterwards Zulia, Constantia Zilis. It is placed on the naked shores of the Atlantic, and has a little port.

Melilla. Alhucemas. Penon de Velez. Tegaza. Provinces of Rif and Garet. Tetouan. Ceuta. Arzila. El Araish. Mehedia. Salee. Rabat. Fidallah. Dar-el-Beidah. Azamour. Mazagran. Saffee. Waladia. Morocco has been divided into States, or kingdoms by Europeans, although such divisions scarcely exist in the administration of the native princes.

The other two parts go first to Tombuctu, whence one of them goes by Toet to Tunis and other ports of the Barbary coast, and the other portion is carried to Hoden, and from thence to Oran and One , towns in Barbary, which are within the Straits of Gibraltar, and to Fez, Morocco, Arzila, Azafi, and Messa, towns on the African coast of the Atlantic, where the Italians and other Christians procure it from the Moors, in return for various commodities.

This was done by Mulai Abd Allah V., in 1756, because, he said, the Governor had helped his rebel uncle at Arzîla, so that the English, his so-called friends, did more harm than his enemies the Portuguese and Spaniards.

Alhucemas. Penon de Velez. Tegaza. Provinces of Rif and Garet. Tetouan. Ceuta. Arzila. El Araish. Mehedia. Salee. Rabat. Fidallah. Dar-el-Beidah. Azamour. Mazagran. Saffee. Waladia. Description of the Imperial Cities or Capitals of the Empire. El-Kesar. Mequinez. Fez. Morocco. The province of Tafilett, the birth-place of the present dynasty of the Shereefs.