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If local color is a natural part, that is, a part of substance, the art-effort cannot help but show its color and it will be a true color, no matter how colored; if it is a part, even a natural part of "manner," either the color part is bound eventually to drive out the local part or the local drive out all color.

However, we cannot but feel that he would weave his spell over us as would the Grimms and Aesop. We feel as much under magic as the "Enchanted Frog." This is part of the artist's business. The effect is a part of his art-effort in its inception.

It is this personal, this individual, note in all that Fritz Kreisler does when he plays, when he composes, when he transcribes that gives his art-effort so great and unique a quality of appeal. He said: "I began to compose and arrange as a young man.

"I penetrated to those meadows ... when the wild river and the woods were bathed in so pure and bright a light as would have waked the dead IF they had been slumbering in their graves as some suppose. There needs no stronger proof of immortality." Enthusiasm must permeate it, but what it is that inspires an art-effort is not easily determined much less classified.

This, it may be remembered, is already one of the means of variation applied to linsey woolsey in weaving homespun dress goods; but in this case it must be carefully chosen art-effort, using colours which are in themselves beautiful. In depending upon the warp alone for colour the fact must be kept in mind that it will be much obscured by the over-weaving of the wool filling.

A novel, of necessity, nails an art-effort down to some definite part or parts of the earth's surface the novelist's wagon can't always be hitched to a star. Hawthorne's art was true and typically American as is the art of all men living in America who believe in freedom of thought and who live wholesome lives to prove it, whatever their means of expression.