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"She bid me come to see you, and to try and persuade the savages to take more elephants to let you off, but I've brought the Bible with me that will do more than all the elephants in father's chest!" "And your father, good little Hetty and Hurry; did they know of your arr'nd?" "Not they.

"I hope your visit is a sign that the Sarpent and Hist are in safety, Hetty," said Deerslayer, as soon as the girl had complied with the Huron's request. "I don't think you'd come ashore ag'in, on the arr'nd that brought you here afore."

I'll follow you, Floating Tom, into the Mingo camp, on such an arr'nd, and will strive to do my duty, should we come to blows; though, never having been tried in battle, I don't like to promise more than I may be able to perform. We all know our wishes, but none know their might till put to the proof." "That's modest and suitable, lad," exclaimed Hurry.

Could they steal on us in the night, we should all probably suffer in this way; but men taken in open strife are seldom injured; not, at least, until the time of torture comes." "That's tradition, I'll allow, and it's accordin' to practice but, Judith, do you know the arr'nd on which your father and Hurry went ag'in the savages?" "I do; and a cruel errand it was! But what will you have?

"If he has all this wisdom, we may expect a useful friend in him, unless his own business in this part of the country should prevent him from serving us." "I see no great harm in telling you his arr'nd, a'ter all, and, as you may find means to help us, I will let you and Hetty into the whole matter, trusting that you'll keep the secret as if it was your own.