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If Lupin, under the name of Anfredi, rented from M. Valmeras the Chateau de l'Aiguille on the bank of the Creuse; if, admitting the success of the inevitable investigations of M. Beautrelet, he lodged his two prisoners there, it was because he admitted the success of the inevitable researches made by M. Beautrelet and because, with the object of obtaining the peace for which he had asked, he laid for M. Beautrelet precisely what we may call the historic trap of Louis XIV.

I met Baron Anfredi last winter at Monte Carlo. He had heard by accident that I was the owner of the Chateau de l'Aiguille and, as he wished to spend the summer in France, he made me an offer for it." "He is still a young man " "Yes, with very expressive eyes, fair hair " "And a beard?" "Yes, ending in two points, which fall over a collar fastened at the back, like a clergyman's.

Beautrelet saw no need to beat about the bush, stated who he was and described his efforts and the object of the step which he was now taking: "I have good reason to believe," he concluded, "that my father is imprisoned in the Chateau de l'Aiguille, doubtless in the company of other victims. And I have come to ask you what you know of your tenant, Baron Anfredi." "Not much.

"Yes, an Italian, to whom my client let it for the summer season: Baron Anfredi." "Oh, Baron Anfredi! A man still young, rather grave and solemn-looking ?" "I'm sure I can't say. My client dealt with him direct. There was no regular agreement, just a letter " "But you know the baron?" "No, he never leaves the castle. Sometimes, in his motor, at night, so they say.