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I've 'ad to run against you pretty hard in the way o' business, now and then, but I will say that outside o' business bounds an' smokin', an' such like I don't wish to have a more trustworthy young gentleman to 'elp me out of a hole. The way you 'andled the drill was beautiful, though I say it. Now, if you come regular henceforward " "But he'll have to be late three times a week," said Beetle.

Jones, looking reproachfully at the mistress of the house, "I've never 'andled a pianner " At this moment a well-known voice was heard in the recesses of the van, behind the piano and sideboard and hat-stand. "Hey! let me out! What you've gone blockin' up the van for? I can't get out!" There was a horror-stricken silence. Then Ethel said sharply: "What did you go in for?"

They think themselves so mighty that they oughtn't to be 'andled like other men. But I'll let 'em know that I'll 'andle 'em. A Cabinet Minister or a cowboy is the same to Quintus Slide when he has got his pen in 'is 'and."

I don't know to this hour wot made me take them plums; but I remember they were such prime big uns, big as eggs they was, and like lumps of gold, with a sort of blue shade over 'em. Father were very partikler about not 'avin' the fruit 'andled and takin' the bloom off, and told me to cover 'em well with leaves.

"There wasn't much o' the light 'eart look about the Mong Cappytaine to-night," said Robinson. "'Is eyes was snappin' like two ends o' a live wire, and 'e 'andled them guns as business-like as a butcher cutting chops." "That's it," said 'Enery, "business-like is the word for 'em. I noticed them 'airy-faces shootin' to-day.