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En vous rappelant quelques traits de cette noble figure je voulais, comme je vous l'ai dit tout a l'heure, acquitter une dette de coeur envers un ami qui, jusqu'aux derniers moments de sa vie, m'a prodigue les marques d'affection. 'La memoire du philosophe, du lettre, de l'erudit, dn confrere eminent, de l'homme bon et aimable, merite de rester honoree dans notre compagnie.

On one occasion we find the learned gentleman humanely visiting an unfortunate detenu no other person, in fact, than his friend M. Bertrand, who has fallen into some trouble, and is awaiting the sentence of the law. He begins "Mon cher Bertrand, donne moi cent ecus, je te fais acquitter d'emblee." "J'ai pas d'argent." "He bien, donne moi cent francs." "Pas le sou." "Tu n'as pas dix francs?"

This commission for dubbing a knight, and so distinguished a one, will be a very agreeable and creditable one for you, 'et il faut vous en acquitter galamment'. In the days of ancient chivalry, people were very nice who they would be knighted by and, if I do not mistake, Francis the First would only be knighted by the Chevalier Bayard, 'qui etoit preux Chevalier et sans reproche'; and no doubt but it will be recorded, 'dans les archives de la Maison de Brunswick', that Prince Ferdinand received the honor of knighthood from your hands.

This commission for dubbing a knight, and so distinguished a one, will be a very agreeable and creditable one for you, 'et il faut vous en acquitter galamment'. In the days of ancient chivalry, people were very nice who they would be knighted by and, if I do not mistake, Francis the First would only be knighted by the Chevalier Bayard, 'qui etoit preux Chevalier et sans reproche'; and no doubt but it will be recorded, 'dans les archives de la Maison de Brunswick', that Prince Ferdinand received the honor of knighthood from your hands.