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"Isn't Anson Backus an abolitionist?" "No, he isn't." "Then I ask you to define an abolitionist, for I call these men as radical abolitionists as we have in our country." "Well, they are not." "Please define them that I may know who they are."

First Importation of Negro Slaves into America The Original Abolitionists A Colored Enthusiast and a Coward Origin of the word "Secession" John Brown's Fanaticism Uncle Tom's Cabin Faithful unto Death George Augustus Sala on the Negro who Lingered too long in the Mill Pond. The American negro is such a distinct character that he cannot be overlooked in a work of this nature.

I have attempted to vindicate the Abolitionists, to prove the entire safety of immediate Emancipation, and to plead the cause of the poor and oppressed. I have done I have sowed the seeds of truth, but I well know, that even if an Apollos were to follow in my steps to water them, "God only can give the increase."

Naturally, the Abolitionists, the Jacobins, the Democratic machine, conscientious believers in the congressional theory of the government, every one who for any reason, wanted to hit the Administration, united in a chorus of wrath over arbitrary arrests.

Says he, "The Liberty party was not in any sense the precursor of the Republican party, which was based as much on expediency as on abstract right." It is very true that many Republicans, especially in the earlier days, were neither Abolitionists nor Anti-Slavery people.

Meanwhile Southern sentiment against the American Colonization Society had crystallized, and the excitement raised by David Walker's Appeal was exceeded only by that occasioned by Nat Turner's insurrection. When, then, the Abolitionists began their campaign the country was already ripe for a struggle, and in the North as well as the South there was plenty of sentiment unfavorable to the Negro.

Everybody's fighting him the Republicans, all the Abolitionists, and half the Democrats. This campaign means his political death or life." "You say Lincoln was born in a log cabin. Is this a campaign of the log cabin, hard cider, and war records?" "Well, perhaps more log cabins, but no war record. Lincoln was never in any war but the Black Hawk.

"What do you say to this, Mr. North?" I asked again. Said Mrs. North, "I begin to see the origin and cause of infidelity among the abolitionists." "Tell me," said Mr. North, "how you view it." "On stating this, once," said I, "in a public meeting, I raised a clamor.

All these conditions differ in different parts of the world." After eighteen years' hard struggle, the British Abolitionists succeeded in getting Parliament to repeal the Contagious Diseases Acts in force in certain military stations in England, and in force in other parts of the British Empire.

Moreover, the abolitionists, as a class, are religious they favor peace, and stand pledged in their constitution, before the country and heaven, to abide in peace, so far as a forcible vindication of the right of the slaves to their freedom is concerned. Further still, no small number of them deny the right of defence, either to individuals or nations, even when forcibly and wrongfully attacked.