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Updated: November 5, 2024
Ken lifted the crisp new sheet of music and stared at it, and then read aloud the words on the cover. "Fairy Music," it said and his name was there, and the Maestro's, and "net price, 60c" "like a real one," indeed. And within were flights of printed notes, and the words of the "Toad Pome" in cold black and white. And above them, in small italics, "Dedicated to Kirkleigh Sturgis."
A powerful, stirring love-story of twenty years after. Abounding in beautiful descriptions and delicate pathos, this charming love idyl will instantly appeal to the million and a quarter people who have read and enjoyed "Three Weeks." You can get this book from your bookseller, or for 60c., carriage paid, from the publishers The Macaulay Company, Publishers, 15 W. 38th St., New York
If the sale is made before the lecture while the sellers are passing through the audience the speaker should continue speaking of the book so as to sustain interest. There will be no loss of time making change if the right priced books are sold. 10c, 25c, 50c or $1 are right prices. At a public meeting it is a mistake to try to sell a book at an odd price as 15c or 35c or 60c.
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