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"She called Greenwich 4494 and was told that the trick would be pulled off at three o'clock today," he ruminated. "What trick?" I asked. He shook his head. "I don't know. That is what we must find out. I hadn't expected a tip like that. What I wanted was to find out how to get at the Clutching Hand." He paused and considered a minute, then moved to the telephone.

"There's only one thing to do and that's to follow out my original scheme," he said energetically. "Information, please." "Where is Greenwich 4494?" he asked a moment later. The minutes passed. "Thank you," he cried, writing down on a pad an address over on the west side near the river front. Then turning to me he explained, "Walter, we've got him at last!"

We were listening to everything that had been said over the telephone during the time since we left the machine. First came several calls from people with bills and she put them off most adroitly. Then we heard a call that caused Kennedy to look at me quickly, stop the machine and start at that point over again. "That's what I wanted," he said as we listened in: "Give me 4494 Greenwich." "Hello."

For, although in her sphere of crookdom they are neither married nor given in marriage, still there is a brand of loyalty that higher circles might well copy. Sacred to the memory of the dead, however, she had one desire revenge. Thus when she arrived home, she went to the telephone to report and called a number, 4494 Greenwich. "Hello, Chief," she repeated. "This is Flirty.