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The church at work in Palestine, chs, 8-12. The church at work among the Gentiles, chs. 13-28. The material of the period which we are now to study includes the first two points and should be read in connection with the following outline: I. The church at work in Jerusalem, chs. 1-7. Preparation for witnessing, 1:1-2:4.

It is thus possible to select an indicator for a particular purpose with considerable accuracy. Salm, E., A Study of Indicators, !Z. physik. Chem.!, 57 , 471-501. Stieglitz, J., Theories of Indicators, !J. Am. Chem. Soc.!, 25 , 1112-1127. Chem. Soc.!, 32 , 815-861. Bjerrum, N., General Discussion, !Z. Anal. Chem.!, 66 , 13-28 and 81-95. Ostwald, W., Colloid Chemistry of Indicators, !Z. Chem. Ind.

Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. MATT. xvi. 13-28. This section is embarrassing from its fulness of material. We can but lightly touch points on which volumes might be, and indeed have been, written.

In the other Prophets read the following chapters: Jeremiah xxx and xxxi; Ezekiel xxxiv-xlviii; Daniel vii:13-28 and chapter xii; Hosea iii:5, v:15, vi:1-3, xiv; Joel iii; Amos ix:11-15; Obadiah, verses 17-21; Micah iv-v; Habakkuk iii; Zephaniah iii:8-20; Haggai ii:6-9; Zechariah ii:6-13, viii, ix:9-11, xii-xiv.

Acts 13-28 and all the rest of the New Testament except the epistles of John and Revelation. The Changed Situation. We have now come to a turning point in the whole situation. The center of work has shifted from Jerusalem to Antioch, the capital of the Greek province of Syria, the residence of the Roman governor of the province.