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An' the load will be heavy moreover, for there will be a deal of stuff needed if we are to build an outpost fit to spend a winter in. Man, it iss pleasant to think that we will break up new ground open up a new country among savitches that scarce knows what like a white man iss. We will feel quite like what we felt as boys when we was readin' Robinson Crusoe."

As he spoke the flotilla rounded a point on the river, and came in sight of MacSweenie's canoe making for the land after having picked up the geese. An impartial observer would not have found it easy to determine which party expressed more surprise. "Fire-spouters!" shouted the new arrivals. "Eskimos!" exclaimed Mowat. "Savitches whatever!" said MacSweenie. "Wow! but this iss goot luck!

"Of course I do," and he stopped abruptly, for at that moment he saw a spark in the clump referred to a spark so small that it might have been taken for a glow-worm, had such a creature existed there. "Savitches!" whispered the Highlander. "Let's get into the hollow as fast as we can." This retrograde movement was soon effected, and the friends dismounted.

"I will be thinkin'," said MacSweenie to Mowat, "that it will be safer for our two canoes to go first to the fort an' leave the Eskimos behind the point till we warn the Indians o' their arrival; for there iss no knowin' what these fiery savitches may do if their old enemies come on them all of a sudden. Tell Nazinred that."

Having the cares of state on their shoulders, these three naturally drew together for a little consultation after the others had retired. "What iss your opeenion, Bartong?" asked MacSweenie, pushing down the tobacco in his pipe with the end of a very blunt and much charred forefinger; "do you think the savitches will come here at all?"