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Poor girl, she's faithful as a dog!" They mounted softly and beheld her, huddled in a blanket, mountainous, curled outside Sanford's closed door, just opposite the head of the stairs. Rawling stooped over the heap and spoke to the tangle of blue-shadowed hair. "Onnie Killelia, go to bed." "Leave me be, your Honor. I'm " Sleep cut the protest. The rattles sounded feebly, and Rawling stood up.

Women were scarce in the valley, and the well-fed, well-paid men needed wives; and, as time went on, Honora Killelia was sought in marriage by tall Scots and Swedes, who sat dumbly passionate on the back veranda, where she mended Sanford's clothes. Even hawk-nosed Jim Varian, nearing sixty, made cautious proposals, using Bill as messenger, when Sanford was nine.

I'm no such thing in this world at all; I'm just Onnie Killelia." She appeared quite horrified, and Sanford was astonished. She seemed to be a woman, for all her height and the extent of her hands. "Are you sure?" he asked. "As I am a Christian woman," said Onnie. "I never was a lady, nor could I ever be such a thing." "Well," said Sanford, "I don't know, but I suppose you can dry me."

Men fished him out of the dammed river, where logs floated, waiting conversion into merchantable planking, and the Varian boys, big, tawny youngsters, were his body-guard. These perplexed Onnie Killelia in her first days at Rawling's Hope. "The agent's lads are whistlin' for Master San," she reported to Mrs. Rawling. "Shall I be findin' him?" "The agent's lads? Do you mean the Varian boys?"

"You'll go get dinner, Onnie Killelia," said Rawling. "Master San is tired, Bill and Ling are coming and look there!" The faithful were marching Percival down the road to the valley-mouth in the green dusk. He walked between Jansen and Bill, a dozen men behind, and a flying scud of boys before. "An' Robbie's not hurt," said Miss Cameron, "an' San ain't, neither; so don't you worry, Onnie.