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Mr Willmott, indeed, speaks disparagingly of some of the severer studies especially of logic and mathematics; declaring that they 'can only be useful to a full mind, and that, 'if they find it empty, they leave it in the same state. Of course, he may be allowed to have his opinion on such a matter; but we presume it will not be very generally adopted.

The King looked upon him with marked favour, was often closeted with him for hours together, and would not suffer anybody to speak disparagingly of him. Voltaire constantly turned him into ridicule; and, in one of his letters to the King of Prussia, mentions him as "un comte pour fire;" and states, that he pretended to have dined with the holy fathers, at the Council of Trent!

Although Burney speaks very disparagingly of the music, it is not in the least surprising that the opera attracted the public.

But when it is a matter of justification before God, Paul had to speak disparagingly of the Law, because the Law has nothing to do with justification. If it thrusts its nose into the business of justification we must talk harshly to the Law to keep it in its place. The conscience ought not to be on speaking terms with the Law. The conscience ought to know only Christ.

He quarreled with Governor John Sevier, and only the intervention of friends prevented the two from doing each other violence. He broke off friendly relations with his old patron, Judge McNairy. In a duel he killed Charles Dickinson, who had spoken disparagingly of Mrs. Jackson, and he himself suffered a wound which weakened him for life. He publicly caned one Thomas Swann.

In 1806 he killed in a duel Charles Dickinson, who had spoken disparagingly of his wife, whom he had lately married, a divorced woman, but to whom he was tenderly attached as long as she lived. Still later he fought with Thomas H. Benton, and received a wound from which he never fully recovered.

"But I'm getting on very well, Brownie, although I certainly miss my nurses." "Oh, we can make you comferable an' all that," Brownie said, disparagingly.

Debby took an ear from the pan, and, tearing open the husk, tried a kernel with a critical thumb. "Tough, ain't it?" she remarked, disparagingly. "Likely to be, this time o' year. Is that the pork?" It was a generous cube, swathed in a fresh white cloth. "Yes, it is," said Letty breathlessly, thrusting it in and shutting the bag. "There!"

Besides, this chateau which you speak of so disparagingly is magnificence itself in comparison with the miserable barns, open to the weather, in which we have sometimes been forced to spend the night, trying to sleep as best we might on bundles of straw, and making light of our misery to keep our courage up."

They had come from many miles around; and to one who at previous times in his residence in the Far East had written disparagingly about missionaries and their work, there came some little personal shame as he looked upon the extremely creditable work of the American missionaries in this district.